User Activity

Hi,I am trying to copy the screen from one Touch GFX designer project to another, but i am unable to do so.Is it really possible to do it, because creating the same screen which is already available in another project is tiresome work.Can you please ...
Hi,I am trying to use the RTC_TimeStamp example application provided with the STM32H743I-EVAL board, I've enabled the RTC_CLOCK_SOURCE_LSE in main.h to use the Low-speed external oscillator as a clock source for the RTC.The problem is that even thoug...
Hi, I am trying to create an SMTP client application using LWIP to send/receive emails from my STM32H7 based processor board, I am using smtp_send_mail() to send emails, although this functions returns ERR_OK, i couldn't monitor the emails being sent...
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