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ADC module issues in STM32F429

I am trying to capture an ADC conversion value for ADC1 channel 1 using the PA1 pin as per the STM32F429 Datasheet and have come across a couple of issues. My question has two parts, one for the actual conversion and one around the captured value.Que...


Hi,  I recently bought a P-NUCLEO-LRWAN-2, and I would like to communicate through LORA from the gateway to the end-node and vice-versa, but some information is lacking. In the Getting started with the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 and P-NUCLEO-LRWAN3​ starter pac...

ST-LINK: Could not verify ST device

When "ST-LINK: Could not verify ST device!" error appears and what the mentioned verification process consists of? Can I influence verification process in STM32CubeIDE and how?I have STM32 MCU, which gives me "ST-LINK: Could not verify ST device!" in...

MSZ1 by Associate II
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