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I used STM32CubeMX to set up a Nucleo board (STM32F411RE) to communicate via I2C with a ADXL345 accelerometer.- RCC & clock settings at default- SDA on PB9 and SCL on PB8- I2C Fast Mode- targeted MDK-ARM toolchain- generated code In `main.c` added th...
I'm working through the "Getting started with the X-CUBE-ISPU software package for STM32Cube" tutorial and trying the ISPU_Logging example.NULCEO F411RE -> X-NUCLEO IKS02A1 -> STEVAL-MKI229AA (LSM6DSO16IS)(This is also my first time using the Cube ID...
I currently have a NUCLEO-F411RE, will I be able to use the X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 expansion board with this or will I need another board?   Thanks Nic
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