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Dear ST,I am developing an end device to my solution with the ability to report some measured values every minute.The device successfully enters and exits a standby status and reports back.Now I am trying to devise some kind of network management to ...
Hi,In a centralized network, the coordinator is the only entity able to permit network joining. If the coordinator power cycles, and starts up from persistence, does it maintain its coordinator status?In my testing setup, when I power cycle the coord...
Hi,I've been searching for information on how to achieve a shutdown on both the MCU cores. The goal is to periodically wake the system with an RTC, read sensor data and emit a report. I have found some information on the need to set the correct flags...
Dear ST,I am trying to configure a simple zigbee centralized network with one coordinator and one endpoint, but I can't manage to correctly configure a rejoin request.As I understand it, a rejoin can be used to join a network as well. As per the docu...
Dear St,I'm developing a cluster with a client and server, where I have a client to write on the cluster of the server. I can write with the function ZbZclWriteReq() on the server, but I'm not always successful. When I do the first write, I have succ...
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