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Forum Posts

Resolved! STLINK-V3MINIE and bluePill

Hello, I new with embedded hardware. I have a bluepill (original) and STLINK-V2 debugger (a not original).And now, I want to change the my STLINK-V2 for a new one, which I can make debug, not only programming.I found the STLINK-V3MINIE. But I'm sure ...

Resolved! New with STM32H7

Hello community! I'm trying to start a project to test a new board Nucleo-H755ZI-Q, but i don't now how dual nucleo works and if is a board problem, code problem or a debug config problem.Follow some ST docs tutorial or Youtube tutorial give the same...

Captura de tela 2024-03-06 090419.png Captura de tela 2024-03-06 090448.png Captura de tela 2024-03-06 091249.png Captura de tela 2024-03-06 092614.png
victorsj by Associate
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Problem connecting ST LINK V3 MINIE

Hello everyone, Im last year student and this is my bachelors project. Im having problems connecting my ST link V3 minie. I will add my schematic below.At first I tried conecting it and nothing happens. Just error message that says "Target not found"...

Ekrano kopija 2024-03-28 205646.png
zsx by Associate II
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Ethernet Connectivity.

Hi, I am new to this controller. We select STM32F745VG device for my application. The main reason for choosing this device is Ethernet connectivity and advance architecture. As none of STM32 chip have an in built PHY connectivity. So for that reason ...

M_H by Associate
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