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Hi all,I am using stm32cubeide for deugging the stm32G4 microcontroller and trying to see all global variable values in live expression but its show always zero. Its not showing in yellow Colour / not updating.Could you please help me out for this.?M...
Hi all,I am using customized designed board consisting of stm32G4CEU microcontroller and we have USB connector to do the data communication with the stm32 microcontroller. Once I connect the USB to my PC (Windows11 Pro) then its not getting recognise...
Hi all,The project is under Nucleo-G474RE board using STM32CubeIDE.I am trying to use ADC1 in continuous conversion mode but unfortunately the code hangs at while((ADC1->ISR & ISR_EOC)!= 1){} i am checking the conversion to be finished and th...