2024-07-01 1:28 AM - edited 2024-07-01 2:07 AM
Hi all,
The project is under Nucleo-G474RE board using STM32CubeIDE.
I am trying to use ADC1 in continuous conversion mode but unfortunately the code hangs at while((ADC1->ISR & ISR_EOC)!= 1){} loop.
as i am checking the conversion to be finished and then checking the conversion result on DR register. Your suggestions/advices are highely appreciated. Thank you.
2024-07-01 1:49 AM
Hello mdudhat,
We will need a bit more information on the setup of your project to be able to help you, is everything setup correctly?
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2024-07-01 7:42 AM
Hello Stassen.C,
thanks for the reply. actuallly i havent used any HAL/LL based drivers, based on STM32CubeMx but its just from scratch like using frimware package (stm32g4xx.h) and required registers bit setting for ADC.
For the registers:
ADC1->SQR1, ADC1->CR, ADC1->CFGR etc. are used to set sequence start, sequence length,enableing module, start conversion and finally i read the register DR for the result. I am reading the result in polling mode.
Thank you.