Hi,I purchased this STM32H723 mini core board that has 20 pin fpc connector for camera module and 10 pin fpc connector for LCD module.https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005852859518.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.10.d0bd7385STni3J&gateway...
This is the board picture: I bought it from Aliexpress, I tried to connect it to Arduino IDE but didn't connect.There are two boot pins, how to use them ? What should I do exactly ?On the device manager, it displays this message:
Where to find the attribution name for the STM32 maple mini in the STM32 master that is done for Arduino platform ?I reached this state of code but I don't if the attribution for the maple mini is correct:#if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
#define CS_P...
There's a working Arduino library, you can setup the i2c code in your platform and just change the Arduino Wire function calls with your STM32 i2c code.Also, you can connect your STM32 dev board into Aruino IDE and test your project there, then you c...
Thanks for the links, actually the board in the link you provided has the exact 24p camera interface for the camera model I have. Where the one I have has 20p.
Hi .. I got it from the seller.That's the best they could help me with. I'm trying to develop a way to run the camera using adapter board for 20 pins then I hope to find a library for the camera using SPI if things worked as expected.