STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Resolved! about IO-Link device development

We are an industrial automation company from Suzhou, China, and we want to develop an IO-Link device product recently.We want to adopt the STEVAL-IDP003V1 + TeConcept solution.But I don't know how to get this support, such as how to buy the STEVAL-ID...

lucas-liu by Associate II
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RFID integration

i am trying to connect "RFID YHY502CTG" with STM32F407G-DISC1,i have attached the datasheet of RFID,please help me to send and receive data. i am using this code in while loop.while (1){/* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */Txdata[0]=0xAA;...

Resolved! Smart vision with STM32H743ZI2

In the context of a research project, I am using the STM32H743ZI2 microcontroller for object detection. However, I lack prior experience with camera interfacing and configuration. I am using a B-CAMS-OMV camera module. Therefore, I would be grateful ...

Resolved! Static addr of I3C in H563ZIT6

I have a H563ZIT6 . I attach its I3C(used as target) to an I3C controller, and then i find that there is no register for static address in target mode in I3C of H563ZIT6, i just find DEVR0 for dynamic address. Does I3C of H563ZIT6 support static addr...

Xonier by Associate III
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Resolved! Nucleo ST Link bricked in CUBEIDE

Hi,tried to update the ST-Link Firmware on my NUCLEO-F429ZI as requested by STM32CubeIDE. Updating failed and the board is no longer recognized as a USB device. The COM LED (LD4) on the ST-Link section blinks red.Is there a way to resurrect the firmw...

tschwarz by Associate II
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