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This might sound familiar. I'm working on getting FatFS and SDIO-4 bit communication working. My evaluation board is a NUCLEOF411RE. The latest problem I've run into is on line 355 of sd_diskio.c, which it gets to from ff.c, line 5661 (shown below). ...
I'm trying to communicate with a SanDisk Ultra 16GB microSD HC card (mounted with this) using a NUCLEOf411RE board, SDIO and FATFS. I've been trying to follow this post as a guideline, and I keep running into an issue in f_mkfs where it constantly re...
I was sitting down to start getting to grips with SDIO and FATFS when I realized that the only microSD breakout I have literally lacks the pins for it (missing an eighth pin for 4-bit data). I was already considering getting another NUCLEO board, but...
I'm working on a project that involves using FATFS and I was curious if I had to use the specified anti-tamp pin that gets shown. I declare other input GPIO, but only PC13 shows up as PC13-ANTI_TAMP
I've seen this around and I was hoping to get additional information on how to track down why this is the case.I'm writing a Neopixel driver for an STM32F411RE based on this example. The example works good, and I've been working on getting a struct-b...
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