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Resolved! DFSDM with DMA doesn't give expected results

Hello,I am working on application that would use microphone array. Together with STM32H735IG board I decided to use STEVAL-MIC001V1 microphone array connected via DFSDM interface. I based my project on example available in CubeMX - DFSDM_AudioRecord ...

PZare.1 by Associate II
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Speech input & output

Hi,I want to implement a speech IO using stm32f401 discovery board.In this case I am using the onboard digital microphone to acquire the PDM samples using spi2(I2S) interface. After that I am using the PDM filter to convert the PDM samples to PCM sam...

Problem with USBPD 1.3.0 as sourcing device

Using USBPD 1.3.0, DRP_VDM project running on P-NUCLEO-USB002. Adding SOURCING_DEVICE macro.STM32 is UFP (after Data Role Swap). The DFP requests Discover Identity of the SOP' but the STM32 answers with GoodCRC and never ACKs the Discover Identity.It...

CMcCo.1 by Associate
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