STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Pin Remapping Confusion

I am using the STM32G071. My first board is built on the G071G8UxN. This is a 28-pin version.UCPD1_DBCC2 on pin 14 PB0UCPD1_DBCC2 is also on PA10 but that's not connected on the 28-pin version. However, you can remap and replace PA12(pin 19) with PA1...

Carl_G by Senior
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RTC_OUT remap not working?

Hi,Im currently working on a project with an STM32L452 that uses a Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) as the Low-Speed External (LSE) clock source. The TCXO is responsible for clocking the RTC. To fully calibrate the TCXO, I have desig...

Resolved! I2C detect repeated start condition

Hi!I'm creating an i2c-slave using a stm32g0-series. There are two types of messages that need to be supported, a write-then-read, and a write-only.The write-then-read starts with a write-message of a register address of the slave device (1 byte). Th...

sigmuha by Associate
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STM32U545 I2C HAL weirdness

Hi.I'm working on a project using I2C on the U545, and I've noticed that all the HAL_I2C_Slave_* functions include the following:/* Enable Address Acknowledge */hi2c->Instance->CR2 &= ~I2C_CR2_NACK;However, the STM32U5 Reference manual states that wr...