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Forum Posts

MAX1300 interface with STM32f429ZIT6

Kindly suggest the c code for MAx1300 interfacing with STM32F429ZIT6. I need algarithm or source code for Full scale Reading Range from -3xVref and +3xvref.. FSR =24.  that's +12 and -12vDr R RaghunathDhanventhra Bio Sys Chennai India

Raghoo by Associate
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Bug in GPDMA with 2D addressing (I think)

I believe there's a bug in the stm32h7rsxx_hal_dma code for dealing with repeated blocks in interrupt mode. This bug probably exists in other STM32H7 devices as well.With a typical repeating transfer, in *NON* interrupt mode, the DMA transfer complet...

FA1234 by Associate III
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Resolved! The STM32 USB device library feels complicated

The structure of the stm32 usb device library feels very complex, is there any tutorial to clarify the structure?I want to implement a UVC.This is a picture I found on a wiki, but I can't make sense of it.For example, the file stm32xxx_ll_usb has no ...

Shiina_0-1731945993216.png Shiina_0-1732001345711.jpeg
Shiina by Associate III
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Resolved! Hard Fault

Hello all , I am facing a issue of hard fault because of some reason however after analyzing issue I  suspect this could be due to  use of structure having uint64_t variable having bit fielding. I have also attached snapshot of issue which I am facin...

devendra by Associate II
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Resolved! LWIP issue in STM32H730VBT6

Hello,   I'm trying to bring up a simple ethernet client on a STM32H730VBT6 custom board. Looks like I have a 128KB of Flash and 560KB of RAM and my code would not fit into flash after I have enabled. I modified the linker script to to remap the text...


Resolved! Can't get UART Rx interrupt to work

I cannot get the RS232 Rx interrupt to work.I am working with the stm3210c-eval board. I know it is no longer available; but it has a version of the processor that I wish to use and Ethernet support.I am initiating the receive via:HAL_UART_Receive_IT...

vneff by Associate III
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SPI Slave DMA with CRC

Dear ST,I facing a problem or bug in the calculation routine of your stm32f7xx_hal_spi.cExplicit in line 3117 of the function call:  SPI_DMAReceiveCplt()I using DMA SPI only the MOSI channel as RX_Only. This works as expected, when I dont activate CR...

UlfS by Associate II
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Resolved! ETH LwIP program runs only when debugging

Hello ST Community!I have a problem and I need your help. I have searched and read most of the related articles but couldn't find a solution! I am using:Hardware: Nucleo H755 board connected directly to the computer.Software: STM32CubeMX version 6.12...

TonyRuan by Associate
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