STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F769 Discovery Board

I am currently trying to use the DFU mode on the STM32F769 Discovery Board. I have shorted a connection to VCC to pull BOOT0 to 3.3V (From Schematic R19). I have wired up PA11, PA12 and ground (Using USB pins) to the arduino connector on the board...

IAgui by Associate II
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FreeRTOS with HAL

Hello,We are using FreeRTOS  with HAL.FreeRTOS is used with CMSIS OS APIYet, it seems that for correct functionality of FreeRTOS above HAL, additional code modification are still required:CMSIS OS has API mainly for semaphore, threads, but not for HA...

ranran by Senior II
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I'm writing a bootloader for the STM32L152. I'm trying to understand how I can switch from a code image in Bank 1 to an image in Bank 2 from the bootloader.

Each code image will have an associated bootloader. If the bootloader in the current image runs and decides to change to the image in the other bank (corrupt image, new update, etc) I want to be able to do a reboot and change to the other image. I'd ...

LThal by Associate II
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