STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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identifier "xxxx" undefined

i have project code when i compile it shows identifier is undefinedBut i have included the path keil linker options and included header file also, i don't know why it shows like this.when i click the definition of VL53L0A1_GPIO1_R_INTx it doesn't go...

NS.16 by Associate II
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Is HAL Library/API thread-safe

I am developing software for a system (using HAL API) that communicates over CAN and I recently got into some issues related to thread-safety. I am using STM32L496ZGT6 mcu.Some background info:My main "thread" runs cyclically in a predetermined tick ...

identifier"I2C handler TypeDef" is undefined.

I am merging two projects .One project is wrote in stm32f401RE and another one is stm32f429i-discovery board.I have already included all path and build the project.It shows error like identifier is undefined.only one file path is not included.But i g...

NS.16 by Associate II
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Resolved! CRITICAL: stm32h7xx_hal_tim_ex.h wrong defines

Dear STM, please fix the defines in stm32h7xx_hal_tim_ex.h as at least TIM_TIMx_ETR are either empty or wrong, according to the datasheet. Here is a short example, _NOT_ stating all incorrect positions:NOW, IN THE FILE stm32h7xx_hal_tim_ex.h in STM32...

Max Rest by Associate II
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