STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Canbus Filter Matching Index

Hi, I'm fairly new to arm platform. I'm trying to communicate between 2 MCU via Canbus. with the latest HAL Library I set up 4 filters (2 for each fifo) id mask type , 32Bit. I am receiving my messages from correct fifos. what I cant get is filter ...

e-zeki by Associate III
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Hello everyone, I used a bootloader for Stm32f1xx, but if I use hal_delay after the jump function, the microcontroller stops working. I'm waiting for your help.

if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(button_GPIO_Port,button_Pin)==1) //mypushbutton==1 {   /* If Key is pressed */  /* Execute the IAP driver in order to re-program the Flash */  printf("\r\n\r\n");  Main_Menu(); }// /* Keep the user application running */ else { ...