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Hello everyone. I'm trying to setup ADC in my STM32F107, configuring it with CubeMX (ver. 5.4.0, MCU package 1.8.0), but, I fell into issue. Multiple issues, actually, but I should start with just one now, I guess.I notice odd behaviour, while I'm tr...
Hello.I'm trying to stitch-up the STM3210C LwIP TCP/IP Echo client example (my board) and STM324xG LwIP+FreeRTOS+NetConn example.LwIP, and netif config are the same as for Echo example (and previously I ran httpd-raw server with it).I was able to set...
​Hi everyone)I've attached project, that I refer further.I'm trying to write program on my STM32F103(C8T6)."From scratch" I've made CubeMX project, set all needed pins in modes I need to, generated it.I've tried to flash a led on a couple of ports, i...
Hello everyone.I've expirienced an interesting problem today.I've created simple project for STM32F407: just RCC, SW Debug, and couple GPIO Pins (3 for EXTI, 4 for output).But, when I generate project from this file to TrueStudio format, it falls dow...
Hello everyone. I facing next problem:Just yesterday, TrueStudio worked perfectly, but program lost its lost capability to compile anything (not older project, that I compiled nicely till yesterdey, not new, CubeMX-generated projects).I'm getting bui...