STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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microRos publisher and services

I want to create two nodes program, one node has two publishers and the other one handles a serviceIf I create each node independently both work, however, when running both simultaneously the program crashes ones the service is called.   void StartDe...

Resolved! STM32 Xmodem Protocol Hex File Parsing

Hi,I am trying to update the firmware with an xmodem protocol over a uart with stm32. I convert the hex file created by CubeIDE into an Xmodem 1k package and send it. The bootloader I wrote in Stm32, receives this data and writes it to the necessary ...

mehmetdm by Associate
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STM32F429ZI NUCLEO connect MQTT broker

I'm facing an issue connecting STM32 to the MQTT broker. The mqtt_status has 4 states: MQTT_START, MQTT_CONNECT, MQTT_SUBTOPIC, and MQTT_RUNNING.enum mqtt_status{    MQTT_START = 0,    MQTT_CONNECT = 1,    MQTT_SUBTOPIC = 2, MQTT_RUNNING = 3};this is...

QuangIoT by Associate II
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Resolved! Bug in STM32H7 OSPI HAL Drivers RX DMA code

Hi there,just found out, that there's a severe bug in STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2, file stm32h7xx_hal_ospi.c at line 1599 (Function HAL_OSPI_Receive_DMA), which prevents the OSPI DMA Receive mode from working correctly:   /* Enable the transmit MD...

hknief by Associate
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HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady error at 100khz

i am getting sistematically the exact problem described in this post at 100kHz I2C frequency. I am using a nucleo with stm32fg031. Even tho i have set up 5 trials, i only get on my analyzer ...

kuzi_996 by Associate
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STM32H5 UART DMA Error Recovery

Hello, I am working on a project using DMA and UART HD to communicate between multiple MCUs.  I have an issue where when one MCU starts up, it momentarily interrupts the UART HD bus and sometimes causes a UART and/or DMA error.Since I am using the ST...

DPade.1 by Associate III
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