STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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ThreadX issue with TLS client when running v1.3

Hello, I encounter a problem with creating a TLS client connection with a client certificate and private key. The server side is Ubuntu based with OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024.Server certificate validation works without any problems. But a weird issue ...

Miyuki by Associate II
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Issue with LWIP heap

Hello everyone,I'm having issues with the Heap of the LWIP that is used/full, and I can't do any mem_malloc. I have dig a bit on why the log of LWIP tells me that  it couldn't allocate memory ("etharp_raw: could not allocate pbuf for ARP request"). A...

AGP_29 by Associate III
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Resolved! QSPI drivers available from ST?

Hi,where can I find a list of all the drivers/libraries supplied by ST?In particular, because of the need for fast time to market, I am trying to find those for all QSPI flash ICs so I can choose external flash (for video and graphics) accordingly (m...

Ricko by Senior III
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microRos publisher and services

I want to create two nodes program, one node has two publishers and the other one handles a serviceIf I create each node independently both work, however, when running both simultaneously the program crashes ones the service is called.   void StartDe...

Resolved! STM32 Xmodem Protocol Hex File Parsing

Hi,I am trying to update the firmware with an xmodem protocol over a uart with stm32. I convert the hex file created by CubeIDE into an Xmodem 1k package and send it. The bootloader I wrote in Stm32, receives this data and writes it to the necessary ...

mehmetdm by Associate
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STM32F429ZI NUCLEO connect MQTT broker

I'm facing an issue connecting STM32 to the MQTT broker. The mqtt_status has 4 states: MQTT_START, MQTT_CONNECT, MQTT_SUBTOPIC, and MQTT_RUNNING.enum mqtt_status{    MQTT_START = 0,    MQTT_CONNECT = 1,    MQTT_SUBTOPIC = 2, MQTT_RUNNING = 3};this is...

QuangIoT by Associate II
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