After I've loaded the BL then the FW i encountered the below scenarios: 1-Full chip erased 0xFF in the whole flash.2-Garbage value in bank of FW.3-BL code exist but FW code is erased.I wounder why that happened?some times making repeated power on/off...
Hello,I have problem after jump from bootloader to FreeRTOS applicationI use STM32F09 (HAL) chip.Jump from bootloader to Freertos application => OKBut when I call "osKernelStart()" board crashedIn debug I crashed in function xPortStartScheduler()...
I' m working on an stm32F429discovery board and I want to read an image from an USB stickI initialized the USB stack, registered the MSC class and started the USB. Really CubeMX did it for me calling MX_USB_HOST_Init() and FAT_FS_init at the beginnin...
Hello,I run the FMC nor example for stm32h743 eval, with the eval board, and I get very poor timing:I used the original configuration , and only changed DataSetupTime from 8 to 10 (with the original configuration, the test fails with my eval board...
Hi,I am using STM32F303RE in my application, and I am using CubeMx LL lib to config my STM32,I configured ADC123 in injection mode, all those 3 ADCs are: the rank1 is 1.65V, the rank2 is near 0V, and I checked with my multimeter the voltage are all c...
Hi ,I am using stm32f7xx eval board.I am using DMA burst mode for Timer1. I have configured timer1 and DMA and start some DMA burst mode in update event. using HAL_TIM_DMABurst_WriteStart().Lets say first DMA burst time is 4000millisecond.Lets say I ...
Hi I am using the stm32L433 and installed the USB VCP library from CubeMX . I used the HAL as looked like a lot of code for doing it from scratch with registers. Anyway, I have a low power project running on batteries and the USB interface wont be ...
HAL_ADC_DMA_STOP() function stops and disables ADC resources. It also disables DMNGT bits to 00 value to prevent any extra DMA request during STOP process which is normal.But HAL_ADC_DMA_Start() function doesn't set proper DMNGT bits back. They only ...
I'm trying to set up our system for dual boot mode. I'm using AN4826 "STM32F7 Series Flash memory dual bank mode", AN2606 "STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode", and sample program "STM32F769I_EVAL\Examples\FLASH\FLASH_DualBoot" as guides. ...