STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Can't blink LED with HAL

Hey all,I have a 32F469IDISCOVERY BOARD that I'm trying to use with CubeIDE, and all I'm trying to do right now is blink an LED with the HAL.Starting from a new project, all periherals are initialized with their default settings.In the User Code 3 lo...

AJaro.2 by Associate II
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Problems with using GPIOs

Hello ST CommunityI'm currently trying to understand Cortex MCUs and thought about going to LL instead o fusing the HAL.Since I've just started with the STM32G071RB, I'm having trouble configuring the Pin A5 as an output and setting it high.My code l...

STM32F723 USB Device MSC with internal flash

Hi!I am using stm32f723 to implement usb device mass storage.I try to mass storage using an internal flash, but I get a message that the formatting is not complete.I have developed it by referring to the link below, and I have confirmed the same valu...

SKoh.12 by Associate II
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STM32L476RG FreeRTOS multithread issue

Hi Experts,I am using STM32L476G MPU, (which sensortile board) and used the following SDK & sensortile BLE example.~\STSW-STLKT01_V1.3.1\Projects\SensorTile\Applications\BLE_SampleAppAdded FreeRTOS support for multithread in my BLE example.~\STSW-STL...