STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Hello, I try to upload my STM32 F446RE using bootloader through CAN. I get the STLINK V3SET and the utility STM32CuebeProgrammer. But the connection with the target is impossible.

I get few questionning:The STLINK does not detect any target voltage on the T_CAN_VCC pin, whereas I put 3.3V from my STM32 on it. What can I do ?The documentation says to put BOOT0 high and BOOT1 low. that's what I did. But connection's still imposs...

Zephyr S by Associate II
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Resolved! Fatfs create folders

Hi All,I am currently working on creating a file system on an stm32f207, using the nucleo board for the time being while I wait for my custom boards.The board will have an SD card as well as a USB. I have made a simple function for creating a folder ...

stm32h7 nucleo clock setting

I use stm32h7 nucleo board and there is gpio example in stm32cubeh7 and I changed clock configuration ,but it doesn't work.STM32CUBEh7-project-nucleo-example-gpio-gpio extstatic void SystemClock_Config(void) { __IO uint32_t StartUpCounter = 0, HS...

Bilge by Associate III
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FreeRTOS +LwIP + FreeModbus TCP Hanging

I am using STM32F746ZG Nucleo board and programmed Modbus TCP with FreeRTOS(LwIP). Initially boad report properly to Modbus Master simulator, after ~10 hours or above any time, MCU going infinite loop some exception function like hardware fault etc, ...

PNata by Associate II
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Resolved! May have a bug in STM32Cube_FW_F7

Hello,In STM32Cube_FW_F7 for STM32F769I_EVAL Board, in sample for IAP_Main, in this directory:"STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.X.X\Projects\STM32F769I_EVAL\Applications\IAP\IAP_Main\Inc\flash_if.h"in line 94 i saw the address of Sector 11 is wrong. It is Curren...

Slh by Senior
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