STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Browsing STM32CUBE projects

Hi,Is there a way to browse available STMCUBEMX projects for various product lines, without downloading the packages in their entirety?I just want to see what projects there are.Just seeing the projects name and briefs are enough.Thanks!

ISeed by Senior
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HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler Pin Or Port

I'm trying to wrap my head around HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler...Why is only the "Pin" used in the parameter, and not the "Port". Really, why not both?According to en.DM00031020.pdf page 382 section 12.2.5 "External interrupt/event line mapping", it appe...

HAL_Delay works and doesn't work

I'm still very new to STM32 processors, and using CubeMX to generate my basic code structure (for TrueStudio). In the code below, if I uncomment code section A, the yellow LED blinks, but not evenly... At low values such HAL_Delay(100), the high time...

NNar by Associate II
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stm32h743 lwip HOSTNAME trouble

I am new to stm32h743. I have ported project LwIP_TCP_Echo_Server for eval pcb to nucleo h743 and all works ok. Within the dhcp list of linked device see my device with "unknown" name. I have added "#define LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME 1" into the lwipopts.h ...

EBrun by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L0 use internal EEPROM

Hello,i just want to use the Internal EEPROM of my STM32L052.I followed the short description in the STM32CubeMX manual. But it is not working. Here my small code example HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Unlock(); HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Erase(0x08080000U); ...