STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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No SMBus support for STM32L152?

Hi, according to the Reference Manual and the Datasheet of the STM32L152 the I2C cores are supposed to support SMBus. However, there are no HAL drivers for SMBus for this MCU. If I configure the I2C cores as SMBus in CubeMX, CubeMX will generate Init...

SFahr by Associate III
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I would like to know for USB device driver why there is a need for INF file(VID & PID info) and digitally signed cat files with this CMSIS Middleware based USB drivers and why these are not needed for stm32cubemx GUI based USB hal drivers.

I have the following couple of questionsQUESTION :1) what is the difference between USB drivers in the cubemx standard hal library middleware and CMSIS USB Middleware based on the following 2 cases?CASE:1)  In STM32CUBEMX, When I use STM32 standard H...

GKasi by Associate
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priority interrupt

hi I am handling two different interrupts:- tim3 interrupt- gpio external interruptnow I want gpio external interrupt to have a higher priority than tim3 and that can also interrupt tim3 ....How can set i? HAL_NVIC_SetPriority (EXTI15_10_IRQn, 0, 0);...

SDall by Associate II
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