STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32F3 UART Interrupt Bug

Hi, if I call: HAL_UART_Receive_IT, and I disable all the error IRQ (I don't want to be waken if I sleep) with the following instruction: __HAL_UART_DISABLE_IT(&huartx,UART_IT_ERR) ;The uC stops to run because the HAL doesn't manage the IRQ error if ...

Problem sending email using STM32H7

I use NUCLEO-H743ZI board and i have create an http server using RTOS (FreeRTOS API's). My server works good. Now i'm trying to test sending message from a request email to a destination email. I use the functions and definitions based on smtp.c and ...

marfourna by Associate II
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I have a problem with my STM3cF76ZI and USB CDC:After preparing a base project (USB_OTG_FS->Device_Only and CDC class in middleware) by CubeIDE1.2.1 and after loading the firmware, I connect USB CN1 and, then, USB CN13.Windows prompts me an unrecogni...