STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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UDP packages make my MCU reset

Hello,I wrote this code to send each 100us a 16bytes to PC. (STM32f10x)int32_t socket; uint8_t *sendbuf;     void Time3(void){ TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TimeStruct; NVIC_InitTypeDef nvicStructure; NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_3); nvic...

parisa by Senior
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Hello, I have implemented the code for the USB VCP, but when debugging the code the "pdev->pClassData" is always null (0). Where is this class initialized? code line : USBD_CDC_HandleTypeDef *hcdc = (USBD_CDC_HandleTypeDef *)pdev->pClassData;

Cube MX 5.6.1 generated code:void MX_USB_DEVICE_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN USB_DEVICE_Init_PreTreatment */   /* USER CODE END USB_DEVICE_Init_PreTreatment */   /* Init Device Library, add supported class and start the library. */ if (USBD_Init(&h...

RPers by Associate II
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Resolved! Custom Bootloader Testing & Debug

I am trying to write a custom bootloader. I have compiled both bootloader and application binaries and concatenated them in the makefile. When I flash the device with the binary (via ST-Link) my application is not booting up.1) I suspect the issue is...

AAgar.2 by Associate III
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STM32F0 bxCan Interrupts (new documentation?)

Hi,I'm going around Can communication using interrupt and HAL drivers. I have successfully configured CAN of my STM32F0 device using CubeMX. I can handle Transmit and Reception. Now I'd rather to have reception handled by interrupts, but it seems to...

DKarc by Associate II
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SD Card sector read delay

I am making an stm32 driven music player that reads from a text file containing binary PCM data. (not the right way to do it i know but it gets the job done) I did a test by doing an f_read 1 byte at a time at the sample frequency (44100) to see if t...

aa.1 by Associate
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Resolved! IEEE 1588 PTP Clock Source in STM32H743

Hi,I'm trying to get PTP timestamp on STM32H743 Nucleo board. There is no proble with LwIP and ethernet driver so far except for PTP. I followed the instruction( 58.9.7 Programming guidelines for IEEE 1588 timestamping) on reference manual (RM0433) a...

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ierturk by Associate III
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