2020-12-31 8:17 PM
The software almost finishes download and then quits with forbidden. This is using chrome on Windows 10. I am trying to learn the F767ZI that I just received. Ideas?
2020-12-31 9:23 PM
From within CubeMX/IDE or via the CubeF7 page here?
2020-12-31 9:42 PM
2020-12-31 11:27 PM
Chrome seems to loop the download here, at around 1GB. Firefox faired a little better.
2021-01-01 2:05 PM
Thank you! That is / was the issue apparently. Chrome just kept stopping right at the end.
Rather than starting a new thread (or may I should). The default firmware on the board I just opened allows one to press the user button and change which LED is lit and rate of that LED.
Now I know that's silly and anyone can do it, but for the life of me going through the examples (yes the GPIO examples) I do not see that firmware code. Oh I see some firmware that blinks a single LED or changed that rate, but not the three of them. Again it's silly, but the demonstration firmware in the ZIP does not control all three LEDs via the button. Just one. And the demonstration firmware I downloaded in the zip will use a TFT display if there is one. I tried a TFT display on the new board (nucleo-144) and it does not display anything. I suspect because what is running on the board is not the same as the claimed demonstration code in the zip file. Does anyone know the location/name of the code that seems to be running on the board from the factory?
Happy New Year !