2021-01-18 9:41 PM
Hii, This is the first time I'm working with a dual core H7. My Board is Discovery kit with STM32H745XI. l reserch very much but there is nothing about Ethernet on STM32H745. No example no asking questions. l cant find.
l need to Tcp Connection on Ethernet. l m using CubeMX and all configs looks like true but not working. Also I burned 2 cards for this purpose. I can use every peripherıl on this board. CubeMX and "C:\Users\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.7.0\Projects\STM32H745I-DISCO\Examples". This examples are very useful. But There is nothing about Ethernet.
As if this wasn't enough, when l try to work with Ethernet and Tests , processors began to malfunction magically. My 2 boards were broken this way and I don't believe it might be a coincidence when dealing with ethernet. These processors are not accessible at all, exact information. There is also the MPU case of STM32H745, which I encountered during this job but could not understand.
Please Help me, I need to clear Ethernet example on Stm32H745 or document or anything. And why this processors are broken??
2021-01-19 12:31 AM
Ethernet doesn't care how much cores do you have. It's the same as on all other H7 series MCU.
2021-01-19 12:57 AM
Thank you for your return, I'll be reviewing.