STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

HAL_SPI_Transmit on F0, F1, F4, F7

Hi!I have module for transmit dates to SPI Interface.Data is - pointer to data buffer uint8_t.In F1 & F4 all will be ok.But in F0 & F7 modules will send *((uint16_t *)pData) (see modules below)Program for F1 or F4 will not work on F0 & F7.Where error...

VLev by Associate II
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No LL CAN code in F7 Cube ?

I downloaded the latest F7 Cube package, V1.15.00, to get the LL CAN driver code for the F74x But there is none.And the F74x is not that new, I think this is not supposed to change. Is it so ?Guess I need to switch to the SAME70 XPLD board.

AvaTar by Lead
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BUGs in STM32F0xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.5.0

I have been implementing firmware for STM32F042 and used the Std Peripheral library (v.1.5.0). I found the following bug(s):Bug: DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn() was never calledIn file Libraries/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F0xx/Include/stm32f0xx.hLine 5558:#define D...

MArgi by Associate II
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Bootloader for STM32f469-DISCO

Hello!I am trying to program a bootloader so that it loads directly my application (.bin) through the USB in the electronic card STM32F469-DISCO but it does not work for me. I would like to know if there is a generic bootloader that I can download to...

FFran by Associate II
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STM32F767ZI + USB host + FatFS problem

Hello,I'm using the STM32F767ZI and I'm using the FatFS feature with USB host communication. I created a project based on the example provided by STM32 CubeMX.The program works. I can read in one file and write in another. My problem happens when I w...

I2C3 Bus Busy issue!

Dear friends,I am trying to read data from DS3231 RTC using SPI3 peripheral of STM32407VGt6 MCU.At first I used the latest version of HAL drivers and Cube and easily could read/wrtie the DS3231 RTC module. But now I need to use Standard Peripheral li...

Mujtaba by Senior
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STM32L010K8 Flash WRPERR error

I am using an STM32L010k8 device, every second word write to Flash using the HAL driver function HAL_FLASH_Program() generates a write protection fault (WRPERR bit in FLASH_SR). If I retry the write to the same address the error is not presentIs this...

SThom.7 by Associate II
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