Resolved! STM32U535 HAL UART Wake-up register callback missing
I'm unsure whether this is a software issue or wake-up callback is by default not present for UART on STM32U535 microcontroller. The rest of callbacks seems to be in place.
I'm unsure whether this is a software issue or wake-up callback is by default not present for UART on STM32U535 microcontroller. The rest of callbacks seems to be in place.
Hello, i am trying to implement Eeprom Emulation on STM32H723 using the code that ST provided in STM32CubeH7-Master for STM32H743 series. In the EE_Init function, first thing that function does is this line of code: PageStatus0 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)...
I am trying to run a code that's built using STM32L1x_Peripheral Libs for STM32L151CBUxA MCU.As soon as I run the SystemInit function inside the ResetHandler I am hitting a Hardfault, so I investigated the SystemInit function.Once the Vector Table re...
Hi,Having successfully installed SW4STM32 I recently tried to build the example project detailed on the RIP Tutorial web page entitled "First time setup with blink LED example using SW4STM32 and HAL library". This "threw up" four errors. The first wa...
Hello community,I'm using USB CDC functionality of STM32F103C8T6 to read file data from FATFS by SPI and transmit it to USB host by CDC_Transmit_FS(). USB MSC mode is not available because I need to send other commands to STM32 via CDC.The file trans...
I tried several ways without success. When I found "How to enable SIM MFF2 connectivity with P-L496G-CELL02" , I have reprogrammed the kit with some examples and forgot backup the preloaded firmware.If eSIM service is still available, is there a way ...
6.11 now supports USBX baremetalAre there any examples of this?All I could find still use ThreadX
while(1) { TX_MEMSET(data_buffer, '\0', sizeof(data_buffer)); /* allocate the packet to send over the TCP socket */ ret = nx_packet_allocate(&AppPool, &data_packet, NX_IPv4_TCP_PACKET, TX_WAIT_FOREVER); if (ret != NX_SUCCESS...
Hi ST community, I'm struggling to get required transfer and accumulate rate from ADC to an array, I'm focusing at the moment to the data transfer phase, which seems the slowest one.Situation:using STMCube IDE Version: 1.14.0using 3 ADC: ADC1 ADC2 AD...
Hello.Im tring to make an rcc configuration for my stm32f429i discovery board for 48mhz HCLK with ahb1 prescaler is 1.According to STM32CUBEMX ,pllm is 4,plln is 192,pllp is 8 for 8Mhz HSE.wHEN I DEBUG THE CODE,HCLK still showing 180Mhz and this neve...