I used the ST USB device MSC program.The path is STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0\Projects\STM32F769I-Discovery\Applications\USB_Device\MSC_Standalone\MDK-ARM\Project.uvprojx.but it's still unrecognizable. I suspect there's a hardware problem.
HI i want to program my board by using usb dfu bootloader with stm32cubeprog . I read STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode (AN2606) and i design my board with using this application note . power supply of this board is separated and doesn'...
What is the latest core revision of the STM32L476 processor family? I ask because according to AN2606, the STM32L476 ID 92 has boot loader support for SPI whereas STM32L476 ID A3 does not. I need boot loader support for SPI or else I have to redesign...
Hi,I am working on stm32f779 eval kit.I am using quad spi.Following sequence works fine:Sequence 1:Erase any sector-> write value to particular sector -> read values from correct sector.Not working sequence ->Sequence 2:Erase a sector -> read values ...
I have a shiny new Samsung EVO 32GB formated as 29.8GB Fat32will it work ? I have a H743tried the FatFS applicationit doesn't find the card.FATFS_LinkDriver fails
Hi,I have a ethernet project running on a H743 and H753. The H743 is working fine. The H753 is not working.If the ETH_MAC clock is enabled I can see that the SWR bit in the DMAMR is set (software reset) and as soon as the RMII is selected as interfac...
Hello everyone. Does have anyone a sample project about how to run Ethernet on stm32f429 discovery board with DP83848 as PHY without FreeRTOS? Including CubeMX project and IAR, KEIL, or CubeIDE as toolchain.Thanks in advance.
Hi,I am trying to transmit the data(USB CDC) over PC but I didn't see any message printing on Serial Putty Console. Do I need to change any configuration settings. May I know , why transmission was not happening.. I am trying to dig into deep. so cou...
Hi everyone,I want to use CAN with my STM32F103CB and STM32F429ZIT, but the CAN TX and RX Pins do not do anything on both boards. I am using CubeMX 5.3 and F1 Lib 1.8.0 / F4 Lib 1.24.1From the CubeMX CAN example project for the STM32446E_Eval board I...