STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32 high latency with usb hid game controller

Hi, I'm using an stm32f102 for making usb game controller (custom hid) with 29 buttons. The problem is, that the latency if I check on PC is feelable, too high. I made some tests to figure out the problem, but I don't have any idea yet. If I just re...

BPoko by Associate
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what is GPI speed setting (SPI)in stmcube

I have a question regarding to the selection of the GPIO speed setting in SPI configuration. as far as I understand is that it helps to adjuste the rising time of the question is basically , how it is this being done in the controller ?furt...

AOmar by Associate II
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Bug in TSC example project

There is a bug inSTM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.2\Projects\STM32L073Z-EVAL\Examples\TSC\TSC_BasicAcquisition_Interrupt\Src\stm32l0xx_hal_msp.c, line 116:it has to beTSCx_TS1_IO_GPIO_PORTinstead

seren by Associate II
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Read a file from Web-Address

Hello forum,Is it possible to read a file from a website (e.g with STM32?I'm going to read data through the board B-L475E-IoT with access to internet. With this Board i can to send the data to the Cloud (Microsoft Azure ...

Slh by Senior
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USBH_UserProcess never entered

Hello,I'm trying to use the USBH library in my project by taking the corresponding chunks of code from the USB_Host Application example present in the STM32Cube. However, I must miss an important part because the USB_UserProcess is never entered. I m...

GMeur by Senior
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f_mount freeze the system if _FS_REENTRANT is enabled. I had to disable it in order to mount my USB stick. Anybody know why?

I' m working on an stm32F429discovery board and I want to read an image from an USB stickI initialized the USB stack, registered the MSC class and started the USB. Really CubeMX did it for me calling MX_USB_HOST_Init() and FAT_FS_init at the beginnin...

Mvill.17 by Associate III
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