STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Read system clock in LL driver

Hi Everyone,I'm working with LL driver and want to read the system clock. There is this function:LL_RCC_GetSystemClockFreq(PCLK1_Frequency)to get the frequencies but although I include stm32f1xx_ll_rcc.h, I receive this Error'PCLK1_Frequency' undecla...

IDavo.1 by Associate II
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STM32F767ZI Nucleo LwIP + RTOS not working

I have used CubeMX to generate a project with All defaults + LwIP enabled (no RTOS) and it runs well. I receive an IP address via DHCP and can ping the board. When I add the FreeRTOS with CubeMX the TCP stack is not running. No ARP, no DHCP and no Pi...

DHibb.1 by Associate
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I created a code for STM32H743ZI lwip RTOS socket server that can connect multiple clients ,I've an issue in binding of server to socket after terminating and recreating the server thread when ethernet cable is removed and reconnected.

Termination of server thread and closing the connection is done in the disconnection of ethernet cable and the thread is recreated when ethernet cable is reconnected, the accepted clients run in separate threads. I am also terminating client handle t...

PREDATOR by Associate II
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Problem talking to STM32F091 bootloader.

Hi there,The goal I am trying to achieve is putting myself into bootloader mode through software (using the option bytes and not boot pin). I was able to successfully do this with a STM32L071 I was using before.Currently I cannot communicate with the...

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MFord.1 by Associate III
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