Hi all, how are you?. Yesterday I was unable to make the RTC work on my STM32F103C6, miraculously I've noted that the program was giving an error condition (until that moment I wasn't using the error handler function, now I'm using it) then I found t...
Hi all, how are you?. I had that what I think is bug after enable the seconds interrupt by using the macro __HAL_RTC_ALARM_ENABLE_IT(&hrtc,RTC_IT_SEC);in my main() function, then I had to put the function CLEAR_BIT(RTC->CRL,RTC_CRL_CNF);after the ...
Hi everybody,I've been trying for a while to read multiple bytes from an LIS3MDL accelerometer. I know how to read and write registers but one at a time. I can't figure it out the multiple part... So, if I want to read from reg 0x27 to 0x2D, I unders...
Posted on May 31, 2017 at 19:33I am using an stm32f030x8. I am using the HAL. Normal operation I can use I2C reads/writes with no problems; however, I can occasionally have errors in the receive data when more activity is taking place on the MCU. I ...
I am sending a 140kB array from the stm32f746 DISCO board. I am using the core cycle counter to measure the speed. The SYSCLK is set to 50Mhz, 20ns per cycle. It takes 709 core cycles to complete the transfer. I calculate the transfer speed to be 70k...
I am using board P-L496G-CELL0x and STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AZURE_V1.2.1 software. When I use a SIM card without a Pin Code, the program works fine and I can connect to Microsoft Azure. But the problem is that when the SIM card has a Pin Code, the p...
After failing to view run time results of tasks in FreeRTOS, found this blog from Atollic which describes ulTutoralRunTime in tasks.c has to be defined as volatile otherwise it won't be updated whenever optimization is above -O0 .