STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32H743I6-EVAL2 USB HID not working

Hi,I load a basic HID program in ST Cube IDE which is working perfectly on NUCLEO-H743ZI2With the eval board, when i plug CN18 USB to my PC it says "Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)"I can't find where it is coming from, any ideas...

STM32Cube project for Ethernet examples

I would love to get my hands on a STM32Cube project for the STM32F4xx_Ethernet_Example\Project\FreeRTOS\httpserver_socketI would like to make a webserver on the demo board, but don't know how to set up the STM32F407 MCU in the Cube.The demo's are gre...

PJera.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F4 Use HSI for USB Clock

I want to use STM32F413 for my PCB design. I need USB data lines for communicating with a computer. Ideally, I would not have any oscillator on the PCB to save space. I noticed that's it's not possible to use HSI for the USB clock on CubeMX. Can I us...

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JBret.1 by Associate II
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What's wrong with the compare in STM32F373?

I use MDK 5.32. In the debug interface - Peripherals - System Viewer - COMP window, the value of CSR is always 0 after initialization and the address of CSR is viewed as 0x40007C1C. But CSR's address is 0x4001001C in STM32F37xc.h. What's the mat...

yundm2 by Associate II
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GOOSE message sending using lwip

I'm trying realize with IEC61850 . I try to do GOOSE Publisher device. As I understood, GOOSE message goes to NET without any headers. I use lwip library. I found there IP_Forward functions, wich help send dirrectly my message to NET. But it also add...

ASemy.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F103 CAN Arbitration lost

I have a problem using CAN on STM32F103C8T6. I use this MCU on a bluepill board,a SN64HVD230 based CAN PHY and on the other end of the CAN bus a PiCAN2 board onRaspberry Pi. I drew a picture to show my setup:I want to have a 500 kbit/s-CAN-connection...

DNeum.1 by Associate II
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