STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

USB DFU Erase and Program Time

Hello everyone,We use a STM32F7 and we have built a bootloader which uses the USB-DFU library from ST (usbd_dfu_flash). We can successfully program the internal and external flash. We noticed that it takes quite long so we were looking for ways to in...

MSute.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Make EXTI generates a request to DMA1 on STM32H7

Hi,I'm trying to trig a DMA from the EXTI0 input. There is a good example in the STM32Cube package for the H7: Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Examples\DMA\DMAMUX_RequestGenBut this example uses the BDMA and I need to use the DMA1. I tried to make some modi...

GregB by Associate II
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