How i can download my firmware via UART bootloader with CubeIDE? (not cubeprogrammer)
I was seeking option to run application without debug via UART, but dont found it yet. Can i download my FW to mcu from IDE without second program?
I was seeking option to run application without debug via UART, but dont found it yet. Can i download my FW to mcu from IDE without second program?
Hi all,I am just starting a new project with a STM32H7A3 processor and need to connect the system via USB as Device in CDC mode (Virtual COM Port). STM32CubeMX only allows to configure HS instead of FS. What has to be done to use the USB port in FS ...
Hi! i am using STM32F401CCU6 for BLDC/FOC motor control application.For foc application requirements, i need sampling 3 phase current in inject mode, vbus and motor temperature in regular mode.However, there is only 1 adc available for sampling. i tr...
Hi ALL,Can any please share a simple example application for STWIN STEVAL using FreeRTOS in Tickless Mode?I tried with few examples but I the current doesn't drops when MCU enters sleep mode. I am attaching modified Serial_DataLog example code which...
"HAL_I2C_MemTxCpltCallback" is not executed when using 'HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA' in STM32F407VE MCU of STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.0 while is executed normally in the old version STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.0. It seems that it runs "I2C_MemoryTransmit_TXE_BTF" onc...
The MX_RTC_Init function resets the SSR register of the RTC, so with every power cycle there is a average error of 0.5s! That can accumulate to quite a huge error pretty quickly, if the device is switched on and off several times a day.Is this intend...
Hello i am a newbie in Freertos. i have a practice project about two threads. one thread for data acquisition from AD7606 , another thread for data transmission by uart in LabVIEW . Unfortunately, when i display data in LabVIEW which get from thread...
Hi Guys,I want to connect a server via port 5000.When connecting to other server with port 80 there is no problem, but when connecting with port 5000 it doesn't works.IP_ADDR4( &remote_ip, 11, 12, 13, 14);CommDropsTcpConn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);n...
CubeIDE version 1.6.0, Firmware version F7_1.16.0, on MacOSIn CubeIDE, start a new project from the examples, choose the nucleo-144 for 767ZI and LwIP. This leaves the LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS example. But it will not build.There is a missing li...