Hi,Ihave downloaded an example (Tx_CMSIS_Wrapper) project for stm32h747 discoverykit from STM32CubeMX. After downloading the example project, I was able tocompile it on STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0 and flash it in the board. I was able toprogram both the cores...
Hello there,I've setup a composite device (HID + CDC) on STM32F401RCT MCU. However, when sending data via CDC, the PC can only receive some HID packets (kind of lag issue) or no packet at all. I need to send data via HID and CDC concurrently. Is it ...
Hi,SETUPI am currently working on an STM32H743XIHx integrated in a custom board. I am using the FW package STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.8.0 and STM32CubeIDE V1.5.1 with STM32CubeMX V6.1.1.Software side, I am using LwIP and FreeRTOS middlewares, with a static I...
I m using LwIP+FreeRTOS (STM32Cube FW library for STM32f4xx 1.25.0).I use the Ethernet to send TCP and UDP packets. Everything works fine: I have HTTP working, I can join Multicast groups (IGMP), I can send UDP packets on regular addresses.But I can'...
Trying to port my code to CMSIS-RTOS v2 and running into some missing functionality. I don't see an osThreadSuspendAll() replacement.
Hey guys.Is it possible to do double matrix operation with cmsis dsp library?Or is there any other way to do so?
Hello,We run on platform STM32H743ZI and I made new UdpEchoClient application using source STM32H743ZI _EVAL\Applications\LwIP (in other word UdpEchoClient for Nucleo144) without RTOS!Unfortunately , it doesn't work ...Maybe you know about any workin...
Hello,I'm trying to setup the system based on SMT32F407 with ThreadX, and enable the print float option for logging feature. Everything works fine!But when we started stability test, thousands of logs are composed with vsnprintf, but it finally fails...
I'm thinking to design a Sensor-Cell to Mqtt cloud demo. But a few days ago I discovered ST FP-ATR-LTE1 package that also is using BG96 modem on the same Disco L496 board. This is the same board supported by X-CUBE-CELLULAR, and it provides an Asset ...