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Goal: Create a filesystem on SD-card with the SDMMC-interface.The guide here (which should not differ for this MCU) features DMA-settings, which the L5 does not have. It seems as if a bunch of functionality is missing. Why can't I enable DMA for the ...
Is it possible to obtain a (theoretical) 48kHz sample rate with 0% error on the STML5's SAI peripheral? So far the clock configuration tool in STM32CubeIDE has been unable to do so.Research led me here, but this is not applicable to a slower clocking...
Most commonly used busses like I2S use a framesize of 64bit (32bit left, 32bit right)DMA uses the bus width (also 32bit)Audiodata with bit depth 8bit is almost useless anywaysSo why does HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA() return an 8bit-value? Wouldn't it be much...
With the HAL on an STM32U5 nucleo i can HAL_SAI_DMAPause() HAL_SAI_DMAResume() HAL_SAI_DMAStop() HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA() HAL_SAI_Transmit_DMA()Wouldn't it make sense to have aHAL_SAI_DMAStart()?With this nomenclature i don't have a clue how to tx/rx da...
Compiling generated code in the CubeIDE 1.7.0 with AzureRTOS enabled under tab "Middleware" and a neural network enabled under tab "Software Packs" on an STM32U5 nucleo board exits with error message:../AZURE_RTOS/App/app_azure_rtos.c:24:10: fatal er...