STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Official STM32 Bootloader

Hi, I need to update the firmware of my MCU from the UART. I mean without physically touching the BOOT pin, but only via serial commands (classic FW update of a product).I'm not an expert, but I tried searching on the internet and I saw that for thes...

FMass.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! SDCard FATFS f_mount always succeeds

I am using the STM32H7B3I-DK and followed How to create a file system on a SD card using STM32CubeIDE. I noticed that DMA options are not available on the SDMMC1 configuration tab, so I just skipped that step. The rest of the steps I followed. In FAT...

Resolved! How to make Websocket Client in NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q?

I want to make Websocket Client in STM32CUBEIDE and I am using NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q Board, I have completed the Program with Ethernet, LWP and FREERTOS.I would like to know if it is possible to implement websockets on the NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q Board.Does anyone...

Jaffe by Associate
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Resolved! DMA execution request order, I2C.

Hi,I'm using Nucleo board with Stm32CubeIde and HAL library.I have a periodic interrupt every 10 ms and I want to acquire data from 8 sensors with I2C bus each with a different address. At the interrupt output I must already have all the data to copy...

SPI communication with LSM6DSOX failure

Hello Iam using STM32H562RGV6 for my project and iam using SPI6 on this MCU in order to communicate with LSM6DSOX which is an IMU from ST itself but i couldn’t get proper data from the IMU, as its giving random data sometimes and sometimes its zero.P...

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sarath14 by Associate
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Regarding POR(25)

Hi All I am using STM32L053 board for a product development. I am using RS485 communication Protocol. I am sending Data from Computer to the processor to get the response.  When I send the data, I get proper response. but out of 10 times say 1 time t...

Resolved! st-link driver installation for Windows 11

Hello, I am having trouble connecting my nucleo board to my pc because the port is not being recognized. I downloaded the st-link 009 usb driver without any problems but when i connect the board the com port and the device doesnt show up. In the desc...