STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32H743 SPI DMA delay

Hello.I have a TIM3 configured to generate a PWM signal with frequency 1 MHz and duration 200 ns using CC1 channel. TIM3 also generates a DMA request on CC1.DMA1 is configured to transfer value 0xFFFF from AXI SRAM to SPI2_TXDR register, triggering t...


LPUART consumes extra 3mA while STOP2 mode

I'm using STM32WB55. The reference example is BLE_p2pServer with custom modifications. The power consumption of STOP2 mode ( by enabling CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED ) is around 6mA (board level), and it will be around 9mA after LPUART is enabled with RCC_LPUAR...


Connect B-U585I-IOT2A to Azure IoT cloud

Hi Tech Support Team,I would like to connect the B-U585I-IOT2A board to Azure IoT cloud using STM32CUBE IDE.I am confusing on the setup steps.Should I go through the steps 1 and 2 then follow steps 3.b?Or just start with steps 3.b? And also, when bui...

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bay by Associate II
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Official STM32 Bootloader

Hi, I need to update the firmware of my MCU from the UART. I mean without physically touching the BOOT pin, but only via serial commands (classic FW update of a product).I'm not an expert, but I tried searching on the internet and I saw that for thes...

FMass.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! SDCard FATFS f_mount always succeeds

I am using the STM32H7B3I-DK and followed How to create a file system on a SD card using STM32CubeIDE. I noticed that DMA options are not available on the SDMMC1 configuration tab, so I just skipped that step. The rest of the steps I followed. In FAT...

Resolved! How to make Websocket Client in NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q?

I want to make Websocket Client in STM32CUBEIDE and I am using NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q Board, I have completed the Program with Ethernet, LWP and FREERTOS.I would like to know if it is possible to implement websockets on the NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q Board.Does anyone...

Jaffe by Associate
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