STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! AzureRTOS (Threadx) USBPD support

Dear all,I'm working on an custom hardware project using the STM32G0B1 MCU running ThreadX.  My goal is to use/port the USBPD stack for both source as sink device, but I'm failing to do so partly because the stack provided is closed source.The CubeMX...

Resolved! STM32H7B0 USB stop sending after 1408 bytes

Dear,We using the STM32H7B0 (100pins) When we sending to the USB port with the function CDC_Transmit_HS() he returns always USBD_BUSY after  1408 bytes.We had found a article that says that the the value 0x174 isn't correct (see code below)See: https...

OGhis by Senior
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STM32H723ZGT6 NetxDuo Custom Driver

In a project I created with STM32H723ZGT6, I am using the Wiznet W5500 Ethernet I/O Library. I decided to proceed with ThreadX and NetXDuo for my project. The issue is that I couldn't find an Ethernet driver for W5500 that works with NetXDuo. Where c...

AKULC.1 by Associate II
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Switching between USB CAD state machines

Hi, what is the correct way to switch between CAD state machines? For example, between DRP to SNK and vice versa.Motivation: When the battery is bellow the defined SOC, switch from the DRP state machine to the SNK only and stop toggling between SRC a...

kumen by Associate II
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STM32H743iiK6 project with SD card not working

Hi,   I worked for last three weeks STM32H743iik6 project with SD card .SD card with SPI interface but I got FR_NOT_READY error.I have checked hardware connection.same code work in stm32f and stm32 l series.I don't know reason for stm32h series not w...

SK52 by Associate
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SVD error in STM32G431

Interrupts not in proper peripherals:- WWDG is placed in I2C2,- TIM8_CC is in peripheral TIM1,- LPTIM1 is in LPUART1,- USB_HP,  USB_HPLP  & USBWakeUP are in EXTI,- CRS is in the EXTI as well. 

hijax_pl by Associate II
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