STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32H7 64MHz HSI is off by 4%!

According to the STM32H745xI/G datasheet, the 64MHz HSI is accurate to +/- 0.3 MHz around room temperature, so +/- 0.5%.During testing, I noticed about 10-20% of my UART characters were getting dropped. I then looked at the signal on a scope and noti...

TDK by Guru
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Resolved! Maximum sampling on USB audio class 1.0

Hello,Is it possible to use USB full speed (12 Mbit/s) combined with audio class 1.0 to transfer 16bit audio data sampled at 384ksps ? According to my calculation, I need to transfer 768 bytes/ms over USB:384000 * 16 = 6144000 bits/s ...

Stabilo by Associate III
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STM32F105 DFU BootLoader does not work

I successfully used USB DFU on STM32H7, and I want to perform the same operation on STM32F105. I learned from the manual that the system BootLoader address is 0x1FFFB000. But when I try to jump into USB DFU mode, windows prompts the device descriptor...

arilink by Associate III
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I'm working with NUCLEO-H743ZI2 (1.8V) and having difficulties maximizing throughput with FreeRTOS+LwIP+TCP. I've managed to get 10Mbits but not 100Mbits.I would appreciate any suggestions on configuration parameters, settings, etc. that could help.

Calling LAN8742_GetLinkState(&LAN8742) from <ethernetif.c> returns LAN8742_STATUS_100MBITS_FULLDUPLEXSettings from <lwipopts.h>#define WITH_RTOS 1#define CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE 1#define ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 1524#define LWIP_UDP 0#define MEM_ALIGNMENT 4#d...

YGU.1 by Associate II
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