2022-08-16 1:14 AM
We have a project where we want to exchange sensor data between our battery powered device and the AZURE cloud through a mobile network.
For developing we use the P-L496G-CELL02 board with the BG96 modem attached.
So it's similar to the (very old) STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AZURE_V1.2.1 demo, that was not very well documented and was based on CELL_v3.0.0 and on freeRTOS.
Our goal is, to use the STM32 Cube Extension libraries for CELLULAR, Cloud_AZURE and AzureRTOS functionality; the latest versions of all libraries.
We read the forum, the ST Wiki and all the PDFs that we found on the corresponding ST websites for these extension libraries.
Because we can find only very few documentation with deeper information how to use these extension libraries together, we ask our question here:
how is the intension to use these libraries and how can they interact between each other?
Is there more detailed documentation, application notes or something like a cookbook?