STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

FreeRTOS implementation with X-Cube-BLE2

I'm trying to implement a BLE task in my FreeRTOS application with the X-Nucleo-BNRG2A1 shield. I completed the BLE application (X-Cube-BLE2 package) without FreeRTOS and it has been working fine. For implementing the FreeRTOS, I have been looking in...

I try to implement UART DMA reception in circular buffer with reception with idle in STM32F429 Discovery with MCU Package for STM32F4 in Rev 1.27.0 . IDLE event is not called when number of recived char rise DMA_TC.

What i expect is that my interrupt callback (HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback) will be called with those event :DMA_Half_Transfert Complete -> OKDMA_Transfert_Complete -> OKIDLE_Event -> OKAll interrupt work individually but...1) Receive buffer is emptyI s...

Ethernet issue (STM32F7BIT)

Posted on October 12, 2017 at 14:40Hello .,I am working on STM32 MCU in our custom board, In this I am facing some issues related to Ethernet interface. I manage to generate Ethernet code using STM cube MX,(Using in RMII), The code is working but no...

USBx CDC ACM Descriptor Error in STM32F4

Following the example in STMCubeMx Azure USBx CDC ACM. it seems that I'm having trouble when the PC does not recognize the USB device slave giving me this error the there is no error in the app_usbx_device.c initialization, in terms of memory allocat...

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Rhyzack by Associate II
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Resolved! X-CUBE-CLASSB compiler fail on IAR

Hi All,Currently I try to compiler(clean and build)  X-CUBE-CLASSB project for MCU self test function. I got error as below Does anyone know what wrong or missing setting something? I had try compiler in two project , all get error.IDE: IAR 9.20.4WI...

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stsan.1 by Associate II
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