STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Call HAL lib inside Call back

Hello, Is it Ok to read GPIO pins inside a timer call back as follow:void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim){ if (htim == &htim2 ) //15 ms { BT1 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOx, Pin_x); BT2 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GP...

NASI by Senior
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Hi to everyone. Where can we find the manual of the STM32CubeL4 where it explain how to set up the functionalities of the uC? (For example TIMx -> PWM generation -> with HAL and Cube generator)

I found the manual of the HAL drivers and uC datasheet, but unfortunately I can not find how to setup some configuration on "Device Configuration Tool" such as PWM generation modes and how the peripheral works. Could someone help me?Where can I find ...

Rotolino by Associate
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Ethernet IAP makefsdata

I am trying to change the web page I get in the Ethernet IAP example. If I use the fsdata.c provided in the example everything is ok. But if I grab the pages (example index.html) and create my fsdata.c I had a lot of problem since the server does n...

raffin by Associate III
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Resolved! 404 Error,Page not found

hello St member,The below link is not available. I need Audio PDM MW for the STM32H747 DISCO BOARD.Please help to get the Audio file.,Shiv...

USB Audio 2.0 on USB HS issue with STM32H7 series and USB3320 external PHY (Data transmission on Isochronous ISO IN EP (Feedback OR recording) abruptly stops being sent)

I've asynchronous USB Audio 2.0 implementation where speaker with feedback and microphone interfaces are configured.I have strange problem with audio Feedback and microphone respective interface which are Isochronous-in type.The issue observation is ...

Vpada.1 by Associate
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