Hello,I saw a not yet reproducable fault at adresses, which are part of the private/vendor-specific memory regions.The fault happend on a STM32H7B0 runnig freeRTOS, ICache + DCache enabled:Causing instruction address: 0x7.... (external flash)Comming ...
Hiafter enabling LWIP/FreeRTOS in the .ioc file, my HAL_UART_Receive_IT no longer works (worked fine before). I'm new to STM programming and have no idea what to do... Sorry if this is a plain stupid question.Cheers
I have a USB problem with "nucleo_l476rg" in version RTOS V3.3.0 where my overlay works fine with RTOS V2.7.4Overlay has been Migrated to the new way used in V3.3.0.Error Message: Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.3.0 [00:00:00.000,000] <err> usb_dc_...
I really have hard time finding any demonstration on your website, in particular on this page you mention that "All the binaries provided are available at: \Projects\<STM32 board name>\Demonstrations\<Demonstration name>\Binaries\" but where exactly ...
I have been learning my way around the encoder mode in the hardware timers, specifically on a Nucleo L432KC. I got it working within CubeIDE, but I wanted to program using STM32Duino and PlatformIO, so I tried a library for this that someone else wro...
For Channel=5 and Rank=1 the result is ADC_SQR1=0xA (incorrect).Should be 0x140.
Hi, I'm trying to practice FreeRTOS with my STM32F769I-Eval kit.I made two task with different priority and print global variable with semaphore.When I run my code, terminal print decreased value every time. I don't know why. Here is my code.int mai...
Setting the FX_STANDALONE_ENABLE flag should disable all ThreadX specific code when building a FileX project. However there is actually some code related to ThreadX timers that is generated within a USER CODE section, defining the FX_STM32_SD_CURRENT...
Hi, I am using STM32 F767Zi and tried this tutorial to use it as an USB host ***. I followed the steps but I always end up in Use Case _USER_CLASS_ACTIVE. I tried different USB devices but it's always the same. Does anyone have an idea how I can solv...