STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Connection Problems with Nx_TCP_Echo_Client

helloWe have some problems to run the "32L496GDISCOVERY\Nx_TCP_Echo_Client" from the "STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V7.0.0" package (with AZURE RTOS).What we did so far: we changed the entries in "plf_cellular_config.h" to meet the requirements of our ...

MiEx13 by Associate II
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STM32G431 Flash from UART Problem

Hello , I'm using Nucleo-G431RB board , and I am trying to flash the MCU via UART1 using PA9 and PA10 pins but I can't make it work .. I get an error like "Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial ...

BG1 by Senior
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ST-Link Chipset

Does ST manufacturer a chip that allows integration into a project which provides USB to SWD for the additional ST32 chips? I would like to remove the need for an external programmer and just be able to add a preconfigured USB to SWD SW-Link bridge ...

JWill.10 by Associate II
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VTaskDelay does not wait what I espect

Hello,STM32L476.FreeRTOS 10.3This call:while(1){ vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); HAL_GPIO_Toggle...... }should wait 1 second, toggle a pin again and again. With a single task, it looks ok:On this graph the bottom pin toggles every secon...

0693W00000Y8l7fQAB.png 0693W00000Y8l92QAB.png
JulienD by Senior
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