STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! Timer interrupts

HiI have a problem with the right priority setting, although I am not sure.The genelranie timer worked for me and refreshed the LCD screen every 375ms, but when I added interrupts for the ADC (needs to handle a potentiometer) then suddenly the TIM6 s...

1_debug.png 2_conf.png
grzeniux by Associate II
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Resolved! Stm32f429 disc1

HiIm using Stm32f429 disc1 board internal adc im using the signal generator and giving constant input but the waveform after plotting gives variation for each trail.

Screenshot (7).png

Can STEVAL-SMARTAG1 modify the code?

I am using Keil and want to debug the code on STEVAL-SMARTAG1.I modified part of the code, but the following error occurred during the download, resulting in the download failure, but I used the FP-SNS-SMARTAG1 code can be downloaded, can the code be...

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Problem with turn on WaterMark

Hi everyone,I'm using System Workbench for STM32 with STM32CubeMX because the project is a little bit old, and I can't migrate to STM32CubeIDE. I have a problem with Stack Overflow, so I decided to turn on an option in RTOS:- GENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATUS...

pyszny21 by Associate
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STM32H743 LP timers

Hi Forum,I am using the stm32H743 and trying to keep the power consumption as low as possible by entering sleep or stop mode. I am then using a lptimer  to wake the device. Eventually, I will also use the timer to determine how long the device is asl...

alan32 by Associate
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how start iot with stm32f407

hello i,m new in programming and iot   i have big trouble please help mehow make modbus tcp/ip and iot  and controll realys with stm32f407 please help me step by step i can only ping with lwip but not know what should i do next?

Dual Core Bootloader Go_to application

I am relativelly new to embed software and I am trying to do a software package on a dual core stm32 H743ZI2 including these two: A bootloader with a go to function in both of its cores cm4 and cm7 and a blinky app at both cm4 and cm7 at the specific...

Girayb by Associate
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