STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H743ZI2 TIMER calculation

Im using stm32h743zi2 microcontroller and , cortext M7 processor , so i need prescalar value and period values of TIM5 for 80milli sec . here im using main clock is 400Mhz and timer bus clock is 200Mhz . please can anyone suggest me a flexible soluti...

saikumar by Associate III
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STM32L4Q5AGIx Hyperbus PSRAM Issues

We are using a STM32L4Q5AGIx device with Hyperbus PSRAM IS66WVH8M8BLL chip on a custom board.  We are having a number of issues getting the RAM to work corectly on Port 2 and right now are isolating it to reading any of the 4 internal registers, ID0,...

BComp by Associate
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stm32h743zi WINUSB(HS) ISSUE

I AM USING STM32H743ZI IN USB_HS IN CONTROLLER BUT WHEN I CONNECT USB CABLE TO CPU IN DEVICE MANAGER IT DISPLY winUSB BUT IN zadig software not install the libusb driver it seen the driver not install so how how to solve this problem suggest me 

SITARAM by Associate III
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stm32h563 Azure Netx Multihome Support

Hello,I have created and executed a TCP server project with Azure NetX library using Ethernet. Additionally, I need multihome support in this project. I want multiple clients to connect to a device with a static IP. Can you assist me with this?Best r...

Eakyo.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! USB PD Development Environment

X-NUCLEO-DRP1M1 と NUCLE0-G071RB を持っています。USB 開発には x-cube-tcpp を使用します。ただし、構成ファイル (.ioc) を使用すると、コード生成があることに気付きました。設定ファイル(.ioc)を使用したUSBPD設定ファイル(.ioc)を使用してUSBPD用のソフトウェアを開発することはできますか?サンプルプロジェクトはありますか?

forst by Associate III
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