STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32H7, end of period interrupt

Hi, I'm using a timer to create a software delay on a high prio task (HPTask with FreeRTOS).The MCU used is STM32H755ZI.My target is:use a timer and arm an interrupt which duration will be 250 usec;suspend the HPTaskon the timer END PERIOD interrupt ...

lonejack by Associate III
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Resolved! How to fix "multiple definition of `errno"'?

I try to create a new project, nothing is written in main.c! It is a first check after setting up 'LWIP', 'SDIO' and Freertos in the GUI and got this mistake!multiple definition of `errno'; ./Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/system/OS/sys_arch.o:/home/de...

DK.7 by Senior
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stm32 lwip dhcp

I am using nucleof439 with lwip. I use DHCP to get ip address. Is anyway to detect IP address to be set? I notice there is two thread, "tcpip_thread" and "EthLink", I don't know which one is good for user to get ip address, also struct netif is local...

yang hong by Associate III
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Resolved! input capture method using stm32f303RBT6 Mcu

Hi Team,We use stm32f303Rbt6 microcontroller. I need a output for Input capture, I am using two timers. I generate pulse for Tim1(1khz) and I set for Tim2 for input capture mode(input capture direct mode). TIM1 generate the pulse for continuously(1kh...

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mrsmile by Associate III
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