how to merge bootloader and application bin
hello ST users, i was trying to merge bootloader bin file and application bin file any possible solutions please help me .
hello ST users, i was trying to merge bootloader bin file and application bin file any possible solutions please help me .
Hi, I'm working on a modified CDC USB device in full-speed mode (STM32WB55, with STM Cube 1.9.0). I modified it to be a CCID class device.The issue I'm having is that when I send data of length 50 (51, 52, 242,243,244, 247,248,249), it just fails and...
Hi,I am using STM32F107RB MCU for my custom project, currently testing ethernet section. No ping is working and I don't see any data in wireshark.The Firmware package version is 1.7.0 and IDE version is 1.15.3.Could anyone suggest.Regards,NaveenK
hI! I am using the LPTIM, but not work in 486us, the minimum value is 2.6ms. in the logic analyzer i view:
I am studying the SMBUS stack code to understand how it works. My system has a smart battery. The battery periodically emits two messages intended for the charger (charging voltage and charging current). My software is the host. Sending commands to t...
I am developing an TCP/IP Server Client application on my NUCLEO-F207ZG development board.I am implementing a function to send ADC values on Ethernet.void Client_Data_Send(void){char temp_buff[TEMP_BUFF_SIZE];volatile uint32_t buff_len;volatile uint...
Hello,I'm trying to generate continous stream of random bits on SPI MOSI (for eye pattern analysis).I'm making tests with 2 byte sequences.I'm starting DMA transfer with : HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi2, &spi_outdata, 2); in the HAL_SPI_TxCpltCallback...
I am using SMBus to communicate with a smart battery. After looking at the code, I decided against using the SMBUS middleware but to directly using the HAL_SMBUS_xxx calls. My STM32G491 is the host and sending read-word commands to the battery works ...
Hello, I have been working with the STM32U5 MCU and to start I worked through the workshop found here:STM32U5 Workshop ( As part of the workshop the USART1 is setup in continuous communication mode. Is it possible to setup SPI in a s...
Hello, I have been using the STM32F4 chip for a while but I ran into an issue when trying to communicate with an ADC to sample at 200kHz. So I have started to work with the STM32U5 chip. My goal is to use the SPI RDY feature or the GPDMA triggered f...