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Hello  we Have Custom Build PCB Board where we Mounted SD card Interface and Using stm32f4xx_HAL_SD.c Library file in which 512 byte Hard Coded as config.DataBlockSize = SDIO_DATABLOCK_SIZE_512B;, but we have to write Byte  means don't block size of ...
Hello Community we are using MT29F256G08AUCAB NAND Flash Memory in Our Custom Board and that we Connected with FMC Signal.Also am using HAL NAND Library to Program NAND Flash but there are Several doubts what HCLK Represent and What Value we have to ...
HelloWe have Custom Board Build Around STM32F4 Micro Controller in one of the Micro Controller Boot-loader Version is 0x91 Available to do Flashing and All but in Other Board Boot-loader Version is 0xFF and Not Available to do Flash, Anybody Know Abo...
Spoiler  We have Custom board that build Around STM32F4 and we are using IJET Debugger and ST Link Debugger for Flashing from IAR Tool but Unavailable to Flash Code in Micro Controller.Error is Error while Calling macro ExecUserFlashExit.if Anyone Kn...
Hello Folk,Am working on STM32f4 Micro-Controller,Earlier I Checked Micro Controller with St Utility there i Observed Flash Size and Revision Id of Micro Controller Not Showing (Unknown) so I Doubted on Fake Micro Controller, and i Went through the M...
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